Do you need to get multiple GMB listings to make your business run?
Are you discouraged by all of the work it takes to get Google’s magic postcard?
Have you tried the Craigslist Method? Or the Local Guides approach? Maybe even harvesting old abandoned listings?
Here’s the thing – they all work. But they also take money and a whole lot of your time and effort.

And – as you know – there’s no guarantee that Google won’t close you down once you start tinkering around in there.
There are quite a few trainings out there that are based on using multiple GMB’s. If you’re reading this, you probably bought one of them.
We’re gonna tell you a secret now. Ready?

(…they’re keeping the good methods to themselves…)
WHAT!!!!???? You’re thinking to yourself, “Why wouldn’t they just share what they know with me?”
Well, think about it. If they gave you their top-secret methods, then there’d be a market super-saturated with competitors for them.
But even more importantly, newbies make errors. If a bunch of people come in and start to exploit a method, making mistakes, Google’s gonna figure it out and close the door. Hard.
So I get it. I know why they don’t give you their actual secrets.
But the secrets are out there. And… yep, that’s right….
We know them.

How ‘bout that? Chew on THAT for a bit.

Well…if you have to ask…
You can’t afford it.
As you can tell from the rest of our website, we’re out to help you earn money, and we make money when you do.
So we’ll just assume you’re going to end up being able to use 1 out of every 4 GMB’s you get from us. (Although – if you sign up for something like this, you’re going to do WAY better than that.) (link to Patric’s Lead Generated?)
With a private business, you’re usually looking at a valuation of 3-5X annual net income. Which makes this particular GMB worth about $18,000 on the low end.
So let’s cut that price to one tenth, or $450. That’s probably too low, because you’d probably have to do at LEAST that much work to get the GMB in the first place, but hey – we’re feeling generous.
Let me punch in some numbers on the calculator.
(…button punching sounds…)
If you wanna go after the big dogs, though. If you want plumber, towing, car loan, cannabis, fire damage, bail bonds, etc.? Ya know, the ones you’d never be able to get on your own in a million years?
Those we charge a premium for. We charge $450 for the high-competition GMB’s, just because of the extra work involved with those methods.
So that’s the scoop. If you’re with me this far, it’s because you know how much value you’re being offered here.
Forget about the hassles you’d have – and the time you’d lose – trying to do this on your own. Let us do the heavy lifting for you.
Click on the order button and give us your details. We’ll have you up and running in short order.
We can’t guarantee that we’ll keep offering this service, so take advantage of it now while you can!
Fill out the contact form and let’s go from there. Go ahead – I know you want to!
Go ahead and fill out the contact form. Or, if you’re more of an “email” person, we’ve got that covered too. [email protected], and we can get you going that way.)